Politeja (Dec 2015)

Interesy państw a działalność amerykańskich korporacji międzynarodowych w latach 60. i 70. XX wieku

  • Paulina Matera

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 12, no. 9 (39)


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The national interests and the activities of the American international corporations in the 1960s and 1970s The main purpose of the article is to analyze the influence of international corporations on both domestic and foreign policy of the home and host countries as well as on intergovernmental relations. In the 1960s. and the 1970s. the predominant role of the US enterprises could be observed. Those companies invested mostly in the EC countries. They were welcomed there after the WWII, but the host countries felt growing concerns. They started to perceive the activities of the American enterprises as a challenge to national interest and even the national sovereignty. Therefore the actions to prevent foreign dominance were undertaken and the politicization of those matters was quite frequent. Also the authorities of the United States tried to control excessive capital flows and the transfer of certain goods and technology to the „enemy countries”. Moreover, the American corporations were reluctant to the unnecessary links with the US government as they wanted to avoid its impact on their activities.
