Revista de Políticas Públicas (Jan 2016)

HAITI: significado histórico, realidade e perspectivas

  • Cláudia Alves Durans,
  • Rosenverck Estrela Estrela


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The paper analyzes the historical, social and economic significance of 10 years of military occupation of Haiti by the troops of the United Nations - UN, to living conditions and sovereignty of the Haitian people. For this, it uses the historical aspects that marked the history of this country, which in 1793 rose against oppression and getting rid of exploitation of slavery and, later, in 1891, against French rule. Mark that, under the leadership of Toussaint L'Ouverture and Dessalines, the Black Jacobins held the first black enslaved victorious revolution of the history. It brings political trajectory of riots, coups and assassinations of leaders that Haiti faced in the context of the economic situation and constitution of social classes, which hindered the establishment of a democratic state, stressing the role of Duvalier. Also highlights the more recent role of the struggles that put Aristide and Preval in power, but who remained subservient to US policies that have invaded the country for several moments in its history. Finally, seeks to understand the meaning of military occupation by the troops of MINUSTAH, headed by the Brazilian army, responding to imperialist economic interests, which incited social conditions of pauperism, deepened with the 2010 earthquake.
