Polis: Revista de Stiinte Politice (Sep 2014)
Extinderea proiectului comunitar ca dialectică a suveranităţilor: dimensiuni, limite, perspective (II) (The extension of the community project as dialectics of sovereignty: dimensions, limitations, perspectives II)
The second part of this essay is focused on the developments experienced by the European project at the end of the Cold War: a new political and economic impetus, along with the opportunities and impediments created by the perspective of the new East European democracies becoming member states. It ends with a discussion of the ‘dialectics of sovereignty’ (taking place between governments and communitary institutions), insisting on its undiserable present asymmetry and the perspectives of overcoming it. However, this ‘dialectics of soverignity’ is doubled by a more profound dialectics, taking place between citizens and governments or citizens and the EU institutions. This latter dialectics is less and less reciprocal. In other words, the political and social inequalities threaten to undermine the European construction by alienating it with regard to member states and also to its citizens. Therefore, to paraphrase Andre Malraux, the Europe of the 21st century will be more social than market oriented or will not be at all.