Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology (Sep 2017)
Alpha and Beta Diversity Indices of Mushrooms from Different Localities
The macrofungi thrive in different four areas namely Vansda, Waghai, Kaprada, Aamolia region. Maximum Microbial diversity was observed in sample collected from waghai location includes, Taxa_S-31, Individual-31, Dominance_D-0.032 , Simpson_1-D-0.96, Shannon_H-3.434 , Evenness- 1, Brillouin-2.519, Menhinick-5.568, Margalef-8.736, Equitability J-1, Fisher Alpha-0, Berger-Parker-0.322,Chao-496. The decrease numbers of specimens consistently found with the location Waghai, Whittaker- 0.16129, Harrison- 0.0046083, Cody- 4, Wilson-shmida- 4.6452, Mourelle- 0.13272 followed by Kaparada and Vansda region.