Нанотехнологии в строительстве (Apr 2022)
Cement stone on the basis of quartz-ash-cement binder
Introduction. One of the promising areas related to formation of concrete structure on the basis of a mineral binder with specified performance properties employs the addition of ultradispersed fillers (nanomodifiers) to the binder composition. Wastes of quartz and hydro-removal ash are used as nanomodifiers. The presence of nanoparticles in the binder can significantly change the processes of hydration and hardening of the concrete mix. Materials and methods. Hydro-removal ash from Omsk combined heat and power plant 5 (CHPP-5), cement and quartz waste obtained from the production of highly pure quartz concentrate which acted as an enhancer of pozzolanic activity to hydro-removal ash were used as materials for cement stone on the basis of a quartzash-cement binder. Nanomodifier was obtained as a result of mechanical, mechanohydraulic (water) and mechanohydrochemical (water + Megalit S-3ML additive) activations. Activation of the quartz-ash mixture was carried out in a continuous-action rotary mill. The mechanical method provides only mechanical activation, and the mechanohydraulic method provides mechanical, hydraulic, turbulent and acoustic activations. The mechanohydrochemical method provides all actions of hydraulic activation including chemical one. Results. The article investigated cement stone on the basis of quartz-ash-cement binder (activated quartz waste and hydraulic ash from Omsk CHPP-5, cement). The technologies of activation of the quartz-ash mixture by increasing the specific surface of the dispersed phase for the production of quartz-ash-cement binder are considered. The obtained results of the weight distribution of particles of hydro-removal ash and quartz before and after activation show that the average size of the nanoparticle diameter is from 25 μm to 1.5 μm and specific surface is 967–7729 cm2/g. Conclusions. The use of nanoparticles in a quartz-ash mixture allows increasing the strength characteristics of cement stone from 23 to 59%. The use of quartz waste from the production of high-purity quartz concentrate and ash hydraulic removal from Omsk CHPP-5 power plant with the introduction of the proposed technologies for their activation allows increasing the formation of cement stone on a quartz-ash-cement binder by increasing the package density and chemical activity of nanoparticles in the processes of phase formation of hydrate compounds, which will reduce intergranular space between non-hydrated cement grains and will improve physical and mechanical characteristics of cement stone.