Jurnal Riset dan Kajian Pendidikan Fisika (Apr 2017)
Rancang Bangun Prototype Media Pembelajaran Fisika Berbasis Micro Controller NodeMCU
Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan prototype media pembelajaran fisika berbasis micro controller NodeMCU. Prototype media pembelajaran fisika tentang Hukum II Newton telah dikembangkan dengan mengkombinasikan sensor IR obstacle, NodeMCU, dan sketch program Arduino IDE sebagai counter waktu dan papan track, kubus berlubang, katrol, benang, dan kepingan logam sebagai perangkat pendukung. Hasil eksperimen telah memperlihatkan nilai percepatan benda pada bidang licin lebih besar daripada bidang kasar. Hasil analisis grafik hubungan percepatan vs resultan gaya eksternal menunjukkkan berbanding lurus dan grafik hubungan percepatan vs massa benda menunjukkan berbanding terbalik. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan media pembelajaran fisika berbasis NodeMCU mampu memvisualisasikan, menjelaskan dan membuktikan Hukum II Newton. This research is aimed to develop a prototype of physics instructional media based on micro controller. Physics learning media about Newton’s second law prototype has been developed by combining IR sensor obstacle, NodeMCU, and sketch program the Arduino IDE as counter time, and tracking, block, pulley, rope and metal strip as support device. The experimental results show that the value of acceleration of the object on a slippery plane is larger than the rough plane. The results of the analysis of the acceleration and the resultant graph shows that the external force is directly proportional and a graph showing the acceleration vs the object's mass is inversely proportional. Thus we can conclude that Physics learning media based on NodeMCU is valid in explaining and proving Newton's II.