IEEE Access (Jan 2023)
Validity and Reliability of a New Developed Digital Version of Nine Hole Peg Test
In healthcare, the Nine Hole Peg Test (NHPT) is considered a standard for assessing hand dexterity. A digital version of the classic Nine-Hole Peg Test – the dNHPT - has been developed that allows digital measurement of hand function. The prototype of this dNHPT was investigated in this study with test-retest and crossover design with 32 healthy adults. Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Bland-Altman diagram were used to analyze concurrent validity. Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC), standard error or measurement (SEM) and smallest detectable change (SDC) were used to determine test-retest and interrater reliability. Our results showed a moderate concurrent validity (r = 0.592). The Bland Altman analysis showed an estimated a mean difference of −2.47 between the dNHPT in comparison with the conventional NHPT. The dNHPT demonstrated good test-retest reliability (ICC: 0.75, SEM: 0.89, SDC: 2.47) and high interrater reliability (ICC: 0.76). To conclude, the dNHPT can contribute to objectify the measurement of hand dexterity without losing its most compactness and simplicity as the most important properties of NHPT.