Corela (Jun 2023)
Le langage intérieur dans les linguistiques de l’énonciation : du mode de signifiance à l’opération énonciative
This article aims to reintegrate the question of inner language into the linguistics ideas of enunciation, especially about the mode of significance and the enunciative operation. Based on Benveniste, Merleau-Ponty and Culioli’s studies, we explain the difference between the inner language and the interior monologue which refers to the inner dialogue with oneself. This inner language, as a pure and natural expression of general meaning, implies the unconscious and silent reflexivity in the genesis of speech, for the dynamic construction of discursive forms. In view of these values, we analyze the literary writing of consciousness. Some speech facts, like nomination, negation, indefiniteness, related to the non-coincidence between the words and the thing experienced in consciousness, indicate the traces of inner language, being global, unconstructed, unconscious and silent, and reactivating the external discourse.