Вопросы современной педиатрии (Jan 2007)


  • P.F. Litvitsky

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 6, no. 5
pp. 82 – 86


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This is the third publication in the series of brief lectures about the immunobiological supervision over individual and constant composition of organism under normal and pathological situation; and the second publication about the most frequent immunopathologic syndromes (IPS). The first lecture about IPS analyzes modern data on types, general characteristics, etiology, pathogenesis of allergic reactions overall and about their I and II types. This publication discusses etiology and mechanisms of developing III and iv types allergy, as well as the principles of allergic reaction therapy .Key words: allergic reactions and conditions, mediators of allergy, cytokinins, membranoatacking complex, hyposensitization.