Zhongguo cuzhong zazhi (Aug 2018)
脑梗死急性期患者脑血流自动调节功能观察 Autoregulation of Cerebral Blood Flow in Acute Cerebral Infarction and Its Relationship with Clinical Stroke Severity
目的 利用临界关闭压(critical closing pressure,CCP)探讨脑梗死急性期自动调节功能及与病情的 相关性。 方法 收集起病3 d内的脑梗死急性期患者,于入院当天使用经颅多普勒超声、连续无创血压监测 仪同步记录大脑前动脉、大脑中动脉、大脑后动脉血流和桡动脉血压,计算CCP,并于入院当天进行 美国国立卫生研究院卒中量表(National Institutes of Health stroke scale,NIHSS)评分、改良Rankin量表 (modified Rankin scale,mRS)评分,起病3个月进行mRS评分,探讨脑梗死急性期脑血流自动调节功能 及其与病情的相关性。 结果 脑梗死急性期患者CCP与对照组比较无明显差异。但对于脑梗死患者,大脑中动脉组大脑中 动脉的CCP与入院时NIHSS评分,以及大脑后动脉组大脑后动脉的CCP与入院时NIHSS和mRS评分呈明显 正相关(r =0.536、0.600、0.518,P<0.05)。CCP与起病3个月mRS分值相关性不明显。 结论 脑梗死责任血管的CCP可反映疾病严重程度。 Abstract: Objective To explore the changes of autoregulation of cerebral blood flow in acute cerebral infarction and its relationship with clinical stroke severity based on critical closing pressure (CCP) theory. Methods All patients who had acute cerebral infarction within 3 days were detected by TCD and continuous non-invasive blood pressure monitor on admission, recording the curves of blood flow velocity of anterior cerebral artery (ACA), middle cerebral artery (MCA) and posterior cerebral artery (PCA) and radial artery blood pressure, to work out the values of CCP of responsible arteries. National Institutes of Health stroke scale (NIHSS) scores, modified Rankin scale (mRS) scores on admission and mRS scores at 3 months were recorded. The changes of autoregulation of cerebral blood flow in acute cerebral infarction group and its relationship with clinical stroke severity were evaluated. Results There was no difference in the value of CCP between cerebral infarction group and health control group. For regional responsible vessels in cerebral infarction group, the CCP of MCA was correlative with NIHSS score on admission, and the CCP of PCA were correlative with NIHSS score and mRS score on admission (r =0.536, 0.600, 0.518, P <0.05), but not associated with mRS score at 3 months. Conclusions The CCP values of responsible arteries in patients with acute cerebral infarction can reflect the severity of stroke.