International Journal of Electrical Engineering and Applied Sciences (Oct 2021)
Performances Analysis of IoT Based Smart Greenhouse System
Greenhouse is one of the systems in agriculture fields that are built in a form of walls and roofs that covered by a transparent material to maintain the temperature and humidity for growth of plant. However, the traditional implementation of the irrigation system required higher human interaction, cost and water consumption. This project aims to develop a prototype of smart greenhouse system that is able to measure the temperature, humidity and soil moisture using the IoT system while the performance of the system is analyzed. Moreover, this prototype system using the solar power system to supply the electricity to the electronic components. By determined the right size of greenhouse, then the project continued with develop a module for temperature, humidity, soil moisture and power consumption. After that, a module for developing the mobile application is designed using MIT App Inventor along with the web hosting platform which is the 000webhost. Following that, the data from the temperature, humidity, soil moisture and power consumption are analyzed to identify the performance of the smart greenhouse system. Therefore, this prototype able to provide the information of temperature, humidity and soil moisture through the mobile application using the IoT system.