European Journal of Breast Health (Jul 2007)
OBJECTIVE: Recently , frequently used needle-localised breast biopsy tecnique has important value to evaluate nonpalpable breast lesions. In our study; we aimed to evaluate the radiological fi ndings that led to the prebiopsy needle localization of nonpalpable breast lesions detected in screening mammography and sonography.METHOD: Fifty seven uncertian breast lesions, which were preoperatively localized by ultrasonographically guided needle-wire localization system, between 01 January 2005 and 31 July 2006 in the Department of Surgery, GATA were included in the study. Radiologic and histopathologic results were analyzed by SPSS for windows 10.0 statistic program.RESULTS: Patients mean age were 48.8 (27-76). Mammmografi c fi ndings were; 25 well shaped lesions (43.9%), 8 uncertian bordered lesions (14%), 22 micro calcifi cations (38.6%), 1 asymmetric density (1.8%), 1 malign seemed spiculated lesion (1.8%). Histopathologic results were; 43 benign lesions (75.4%), 14 malign lesions (75.4%). Benign lesions were; 28 fi brocystic changes (49.1%), 3 fi broadenomas (5.3%), 9 fi brocystic changes + fi broadenomas (15.8%), 2 intraductal papillomas (3.5%), 1 ductal epitelial hyperplasia (1.8%). Malign lesions were; 12 intraductal carcinomas (21.1%), 1 infi ltrative lobulary carcinoma (%1.8), 1 mixed carcinoma (intraductal carcinoma+ infi ltrative lobulary carcinoma).CONCLUSION: İn early diagnosis of the breast cancer, the currency of the imaging guided needle localization of nonpalpable breast lesions has been proved. Despite some tecnical problems which can be tacled with more practise, it should be used widely.