Corpus: Archivos Virtuales de la Alteridad Americana (Dec 2014)
Textos de la modernidad política en guaraní (1810-1813)
Our main objective in this paper is to propose a first analysis of a bilingual corpus Spanish-Guarani. It is composed by ten texts: Nine letters sent by General Belgrano to Indians of the former Jesuit Missions, to Paraguayan people, bishop, and governor, to Asunción town council, and other authorities (1810), but also a decree which puts an end to “el tributo, mita, encomiendas, yanaconazgo y servicio personal de los indios”. We try to reconstruct where and when they were produced, who were the interpreters, their strategies to translate and which political concepts in Guaraní they chose and how they used them. We compare some lexical roots with a previous corpus written by Guarani town councils (1752-1813) and a posterior corpus, national, written in Guarani by mestizos and creoles (1867-1868).