Lubelski Rocznik Pedagogiczny (Apr 2022)

Educational Support Perceived by Pupils with Learning Difficulties with a Lower Sense of Competencies

  • Marzena Agnieszka Kowaluk-Romanek

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 41, no. 1
pp. 95 – 107


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Introduction: The problem of specific learning difficulties experienced by humans has an impact on their psyche, behaviour, relations with the environment. Research Aim: This article presents own studies concerning the sense of competencies in pupils with specific learning difficulties and the educational support perceived by them. The studies were conducted among pupils from grades 5 to 8 of elementary schools in the lubelskie province. Method: The diagnostic poll method was used in the studies. Results: A measurement of personal competencies shows that pupils with specific learning difficulties have a lower sense of own efficacy than their peers without that disorder. They are characterized by less strength of getting involved in activities and lower level of perseverance in achieving success. The respondents have a definitely lower general sense of non-institutional support as well as support from peers and teachers. Conclusion: Poorer beliefs of pupils with specific learning difficulties in the success of their own efforts and ability to cope with difficult situations correspond to their negative perception of support of the process of learning and teaching by parents, teachers and classmates. Less persistence in pursuing goals is accompanied by more negative perception of support from parents.
