Науковий вісник Мукачівського державного університету. Серія Економіка (Dec 2020)
Personnel Management as a Tool for Developing a Competitive Position of Higher Education Institutions
Nowadays, the market of educational services is quite saturated and requires a more in-depth external and internal analysis of university activities to understand the principles of attracting applicants. Most future applicants for education have certain selection criteria when choosing a university for admission, and one of the main criteria is the quality of education. That is why such a factor of developing a competitive position as the level of training of academic staff requires a more thorough consideration from the standpoint of personnel management. The level of training of academic staff includes not only a set of certain qualifications, but also motivation and interest in conducting high-quality classes. Due to the specific features of their work, teachers are most susceptible to emotional burnout, which is why management should always have ideas aimed at preventing burnout among the staff. The purpose of this study is to consider personnel management as a tool for developing the competitive position of higher education institutions, to cover the issue of teacher burnout and provide recommendations for preventing this condition to improve the level of training of academic staff. The study completed the following tasks: considered the concept of competitive position and its features; identified the main factors influencing the competitive position of higher educational institutions (HEI); established the need for high-quality personnel management to improve the level of training of academic staff; considered the burnout as a key issue in the work of the staff of higher educational institutions; proved the effectiveness of the well-being concept and the necessity of integrating it into the personnel management procedure to improve the competitive position of HEI. The scientific originality of this study lies in the analysis of individual factors of competitive position development – the quality of education and the level of training of academic staff, identifying the importance of personnel management to improve the effectiveness of these factors, as well as developing recommendations for implementing the well-being concept and diagnosing burnout among teachers to strengthen the competitive position of universities