Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Rijeci : časopis za ekonomsku teoriju i praksu (Nov 2004)
Time Management - New Religion of Our Age: 'Time' In Anglo-American Culture vs. 'Vrijeme' in Croatian Culture
This research on time management within the project ‘Management in Entrepreneurship’ is based both on cognitive linguistics and the cultural dimension of time in international business. In accordance with our conceptualization and relationship to time, culture can be divided into monochronic time (M-time) and polychronic time (P-time) cultures. While M-time culture, which is best represented by the United States, emphasizes schedules, a precise reckoning of time, and promptness, P-time culture, Croatia, falling into this category, emphasizes the involvement of people rather than a rigid adherence to the clock. The results, so far, show how our conceptualization of time - on a subconscious level - influences our lives and how theories of time management can be transferred into teaching Business English in Croatia where, ‘having done something on time’ is definitely of less importance than to the American society.