RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism (Dec 2024)
“Digital intelligence of a journalist”: To the content of the concept
The concept of “Journalist Digital Intelligence” (JDI), its scope and content are the result of the authors’ own reflections based on the works of P. Bourdieu (theory of the individual’s social capital) and P. Yuhyun (norms of the individual’s digital intelligence). The authors of the article study JDI in relation to a journalist’s personality and test it in the context of journalistic activity, while the JDI is updated instrumentally - in relation to media education. In the process of self-identification, a budding journalist is immersed not only in the media space, but also in the digital space. The success of his or her professionalization and social adaptation depends on how well he or she is able to use the advantages of digitalization and how resistant he or she is to its threats. The authors propose to modify the criteria for assessing the quality of university journalism training, adapted to the JDI and taking into account the latest media transformations. The results of a pilot survey of 375 respondents show that it is necessary to add to the existing characteristics of digital intelligence those necessary for a media specialist (in line with the JDI): digital literacy, creative skills, critical thinking, reflection and motivation. Their sum will reflect an individual portrait of a digital personality and will make it possible to assess the level of readiness of a person to enter the media space as a subject of journalistic activity.