Vojnotehnički Glasnik (May 2003)
Poboljšanje mehaničkih osobina dvobaznih raketnih goriva za impulsne motore / Improvement of mechanical properties of double base propellants for buster motors
Prikazanje i analiziran uticaj delovanja para acetona na mehaničke osobine i br-zinu gorenja dvobaznih raketnih goriva u obliku barutnih cevčica. Mehanička ispitivanja vršena su jednoosnim zatezanjem i ispitivanjem na udar. Ispitivanja brzine gorenja obavljana su u manometarskoj bombi i u realnim motorima. Dobijeni rezultati ispitivanja pokazuju znatan uticaj para acetona na mehaničke osobine baruta bez većeg uticaja na brzinu gorenja. / Acetone vapors influence on the double base propellant mechanical properties and the burning rate is shown and analyzed. Mechanical investigations were done with uniaxial tensile and impact tests. Burning rate investigations were carried out in the manometric bomb and rocket motors. The obtained results of the investigations show a significant acetone vapors influence on mechanical properties without a significant influence on the burning rate.