Известия Томского политехнического университета: Инжиниринг георесурсов (May 2019)
Migration processes in Russia and Germany
The relevance of the work is caused by the necessity to modernize the state migration policy of Russia. The main aim of the study is to investigate the experience of migration policy in Germany in terms of transformational shifts in the economic system and on the basis of a comparative analysis of legal norms, migration dynamics and the identified trends in the development of recommendations for updating existing migration policy of the Russian Federation. The methods used in the study are the comparative analysis of statistical data, graphic display of correlations, the method of historical analogies, methods of induction and deduction in interdisciplinary approach; prognostic method based on the detection of regular trends in the development of economic systems. The results: The authors have determined general regularities of migration processes in Russia and Germany and revealed the presence of a verifiable link between the process of transformation and migration flows. The dynamics of ethnic migration in Russia and Germany in the post-Soviet period was analyzed and the recommendations on the areas of migration policy modernization in Russia were given.