Yönetim ve Ekonomi (Jan 2006)
“İş Ahlakı” Cinsiyetler Arasındaki Farklılıklar Açısından Literatür İncelemesi(Business Ethics: Literature Survey On Gender Differences)
Business ethics has not yet taken its place among the “defined” and “clear” concepts in the literature despite the numerous researches made in the last two decades. Gender difference is one the main reasons of this ambivalence.The increased participation of women in the work force is an important trend and this trend has generated research interest in "ethical decision making". For the majority of researchers, men and women differ in how they solve moral dilemmas. As a general result, men are likely to consider moral issues in terms of justice, rules and individual rights. Women, on the other hand, tend to consider such issues in terms of relationship, caring and compassion.In this article, the results of some researches made on this issue are shared and compared. These researches’ results generally show that both perceptions and behaviors of female employees differ from males’. But also, there are some limitations, which force us to think that these differences between genders may change as of cultural and sectoral differences.