Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis Studia Naturae (Nov 2020)

Occurrence of Rosa blanda Ait. (Rosaceae) in Poland

  • Anna Sołtys-Lelek,
  • Wojciech Gruszka



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The article presents the Smooth rose, Rosa blanda Ait. distribution in Poland based on literature data, available herbarium materials, and shared unpublished data. R. blanda is a North American species that is cultivated and has become wild throughout Poland, where it has the status of a domestic, non-invasive kenophyte. This species is rare in Poland. Only 22 sites have been identified (mainly in the central and northwestern part of the country), as created spontaneously or as remaining from old, local cultivations. However, it cannot be excluded that this species will become invasive in the future and will negatively affect native flora species, especially through its ability to cross with other rose species (including invasive R. rugosa Thunb.).
