Journal of Dentistry Indonesia (Sep 2013)
Endodontic Treatment of Surgical Repositioned Traumatically-Intruded Maxillary Incisors Permanent Teeth
This report presents the case of a 10-year-old girl who was referred to the Siloam Hospital Lippo Village (SLVH) Dental Clinic 6 days after sustaining a severe traumatism that led to intrusion of the maxillary central and lateral incisors. The intruded teeth were repositioned by using surgical reposition and splinted. Endodontic treatment was performed 3 weeks after repositioning. The root canals were rinsed with 2.5% NaOCl, then calcium hydroxide dressing was placed. Splint was removed after 3 months. Definitive root canal fillings were accomplished 6 months later. The result implied that endodontic treatment until 9 months showed no periodontal complication, but 2 months later the teeth were slightly discolored. Further follow up should be made yearly for at least 5 years, because luxation injuries frequently do not show problems initially. In this case, surgical repositioning combined with endodontic treatment is a viable alternative treatment for severe traumatic intrusion in mature permanent teeth.DOI: 10.14693/jdi.v20i2.153