Family Medicine & Primary Care Review (Mar 2024)
Gilbert’s syndrome diagnosis in a pregnant woman: a case report
Gilbert’s syndrome is a hereditary disease with raised levels of unconjugated bilirubin. The disorder is generally asymptomatic and often misdiagnosed, which can lead to unnecessary anxiety in patients, particularly during pregnancy. There is a case report of a 24-year-old pregnant woman with jaundice and elevated bilirubin levels without any history of hyperbilirubinaemia. Diagnosis of Gilbert’s syndrome was made according to the patient’s clinical features and laboratory results after ruling out other diseases. The patient was reassured that Gilbert’s syndrome posed no significant risk to her or the foetus, and appropriate surveillance and management were provided. Accurate diagnosis is essential to alleviate worries and confirm appropriate management. Healthcare providers should consider Gilbert’s syndrome as a potential cause of hyperbilirubinaemia in pregnant women and impact reassurance regarding the promising prognosis and normal life expectancy. This case emphasises the significance of considering Gilbert’s syndrome in a differential diagnosis of hyperbilirubinaemia in pregnancy.