Поволжская археология (Sep 2018)
Characteristics of stone toll-kit of the Late Eneolithic in the Ik and Belaya interfluve
The author attempts to summarize the available series of stone artifacts obtained as a result of studies of Late Eneolithic settlements located on the Iksa-Bel interfluve. The study of stone inventory allows to reveal the local typological, technological, morphological and functional characteristics widely spread across the Eneolithic population of the territory in question. The author concludes that the stone inventory of the settlements has contained the tools main of blades implements, but the role of blade production abruptly decreased, and the major portion of produced items were made of flakes. However, the stone manufacture of the Late Eneolithic population of the Lower Kama region features the traces of preserved traditions characteristic of the Late Neolithic – Early Eneolithic period.