Мать и дитя в Кузбассе (Jul 2017)


  • Елена Глебовна Цой,
  • Лариса Викторовна Цигельникова,
  • Людмила Николаевна Игишева,
  • Ирина Анатольевна Журавлева

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 17, no. 3
pp. 19 – 25


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Underestimating the power quality can lead to the depletion of the child, influence the course of disease, lead to the postponement of the required surgical treatment, affect the quality of life in the future. Objective – to optimize the diagnosis of nutritional deficiency for its differentiated correction of CHD patients in the neonatal period. Materials and methods. Eighty three children with congenital heart defects (CHD) aged 1 month were examined. A comprehensive examination and observation in dynamics for patients aged 10-20 days with impaired cardiac function, at different types of feeding, was conducted. Results. Rating the quality of nutritional support with the help of anthropometric data, total protein level and plasma albumin, or the number of blood lymphocytes is not possible. Higher levels of urea in blood serum of children with heart failure in the absence of pathology of the liver and kidneys shows the catabolic metabolism orientation. Conclusion. Dynamic control of albumin, creatinine, urea promotes early detection of protein deficiency or catabolic metabolism focus on neonatal patients with CHD, which dictates an increase in the amount of protein and caloric intake. Correction of nutritional deficiency of children with congenital heart disease and heart failure is possible in condition of changing the composition of food, adding the pre-mix to the main power supply children with CHD, regardless of gestational age.
