Мелиорация и гидротехника (May 2023)
Purpose: to generalize the current experience in the development of a design of a stepped spur, tested by past floods on the rivers Buffeljags, Duiwenhoks and Hex of the Western Cape province in the Republic of South Africa, and to propose a protective structure against debris loading (carchehod), which is aimed at the unhindered water flow movement and the capture of all drifting trees and their parts. Materials and methods. Numerous bank protection structures built on the river Kuban, do not fulfill their protective functions, but provoke bank erosion, which affects negatively the structure as a whole. The demand for stepped spurs and the lack of recommendations on their design and use determine the relevance of their development and use in difficult engineering conditions. The basis of scientific development were the data collected during the floods of 2000, 2004, 2006 and 2008 on the large rivers Buffeljags, Duiwenhoks and Hex of the Western Cape province in the Republic of South Africa. When developing a complex of protective structures, the generally accepted methods of scientific analysis, synthesis and design of hydraulic structures were used. Results. During the research, the advantages of the layout solutions of the used spur structures were determined, the advantages and conditions for structure usage during floods were found. The developments aimed at strengthening the advantages and eliminating the design flaws of the structures to ensure their protection from carchehod have been carried out. The structures can be made in the form of cruciform beams or T-shaped elements mounted on a longitudinal beam. Conclusions. The designs allowing protecting the spurs from damage by a debris loading (carchehod) have been proposed, they represent a single complex of protective structures. Proposals on the layout and design arrangement of the structures complex are formulated.