Revista de Estudios Brasileños (Oct 2017)
Portraits of an organized Brazilian fan club - the “Gaviões da Fiel” case
Hollanda, B. B. de & Negreiros, P. L. (Org.). (2015). Os Gaviões da Fiel: ensaios e etnografias de uma torcida organizada de futebol. Rio de Janeiro: 7Letras.Os Gaviões da Fiel: ensaios e etnografias de uma torcida organizada de futebol is a collection of texts from different areas of knowledge – History, Sociology, Anthropology, Administration, Communication, among others – which brings out the aspects that make “Grêmio Gaviões da Fiel Torcida Independente” the main organized Brazilian fan club. The work would be appealing enough for this close look at the relation between soccer and Social Science. However, the selected texts, by focusing on moments of its history and many of the main characteristics of this organized soccer fan club, end up indicating interesting roads of discussion outisde the sporting spectrum, allowing the reader to come across situations that problematize various issues of contemporary society.