دراسات وبحوث التربية الرياضية (Nov 2024)
The effect of a proposed curriculum using assistant instruments in learning some offensive skills in fencing for students
The study aimed to identify the impact of a proposed curriculum using an auxiliary educational tool in teaching some offensive skills in fencing to students. It involved the preparation of proposed educational units using the auxiliary tool to teach these skills. The researchers employed the experimental method with a group design appropriate to the research nature, consisting of an experimental group and a control group with pre- and post-tests. The research sample included 28 students, selected intentionally. Group (A), comprising 14 students, served as the experimental sample, while Group (B), also comprising 14 students, served as the control sample. The educational program was implemented over six weeks, with one educational unit per week. The researchers concluded that the use of the proposed method with the educational tool had a positive and significant impact on skill learning.