Jurnal Studi Al-Quran (Jan 2017)
Changes of Religious Behaviours: Sociological Analysis of Literature of The Novel Al-Thaliyâniy By Syukrî Al-Mabkhũt
Novel al-Thaliyâniy by Shukrî al-Mabkhût is a novel that tells the journey of social and political history of the nation of Tunisia's democracy. The novel represents the behaviour of the people and the leaders of Tunisia who changed their religious behavior. Changes in religious behavior of the Tunisian society are categorizedinto three groups. The first group is related to normative religious teachings, such as not practicing religious duties, not praying for thedeceased parents, lacking integrity of Islam (murû`ah), and lacking the religious knowledge. The second group is a behavioral change in attitude and personality. Acts that fall under this category are for example getting drunk and having sloppy style; gossiping and meddling in the affairs of others; lazy and talkative; lacking the authoritativeness and firmness; extravagance and wasteful; being hypocrites (hypocrites); and lastlyact of lying and slander. The third group behavioral changes is related to family values, such as educating children with hard and rough approaches; being against the parents; seclusion, committing adultery and promiscuity; and sexual abuse of children. This is the conclusion of this dissertation research, and lastly, the ath-Thaliyâniy novel is a mirror of the Tunisian people and it is hoped that it can be a learning experience Keywords: Thaliyâniy, Tunisian Society, Religious Behavior