Вестник Северо-Кавказского федерального университета (May 2022)
Application of andragogy principles in training a teacher for designing a safe educational environment
The article is devoted to the issue of training a teacher in the system of additional vocational education for designing a safe educational environment through a personalized approach, the key drivers of which are confidently andragogical principles. The study identified the competencies of the teacher, which have a particular impact on the readiness to design a safe educational environment and its continuous maintenance. Also, negative factors of pedagogical activity were found to threaten the safety of the educational environment and ways to overcome them through the resources of the system of additional professional education were identified. The analysis of the results of scientific and practical work devoted to the issues of professional and personal development of a teacher in the system of additional education, taking into account the trends of modern requests for the design of an open development of a safe polysubject multivariate educational environment. The article focuses on the role and possibilities of the system of additional professional education and advanced training of teachers of the new generation, the need to personalize advanced training programs for teachers, taking into account their resource capabilities and trends in modern education.