Retos: Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deportes y Recreación (Oct 2024)
From headphone to health: utilizing podcast to improve the nutrition literacy of high school students
Most of adolescents, especially high school students, have not been able to consume food that fulfills balanced nutrition principles. Low nutrition literacy is one of the causes of nutrition-related problems. In addition, Physical Education teachers’ inability to provide balanced nutrition material needs to be addressed a solution, one of which is by using podcast. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of providing balanced nutrition material podcasts to improve nutrition literacy of high school students. Quantitative research with a single group pre-experimental research design with pretest-posttest (one group pretest-posttest design) was used as the method of research. The study sample was 36 people [male: 16, female:20] selected by using proportional random sampling. Data collection technique to measure the students’ nutrition literacy level used multiple choice question instruments [Aiken Validation V: 0.83, Alpha Cronbach’s reliability value: 0.749]. Data analysis used paired t-tests, with hypothesis test calculation using IBM SPSS version 23.0. The results showed that there was an increase in nutrition literacy of high school students which was indicated by the results of pretest-posttest of 32.81 to 38.15, and the results of the SPSS test showed the effectiveness of providing balanced nutrition podcast media to improve the nutrition literacy of high school students with a sig value of 0.000<0.005. Based on these results, it can be concluded that it is effective to provide podcast media to improve the nutrition literacy of high school students. The application of balanced nutrition podcasts in learning helps students gain broad and more accurate insights because they present speakers from nutritionists so that students’ nutrition literacy increases. Keywords: Balanced Nutrition, Nutrition Literacy, Podcast, High School