Diversitate si Identitate Culturala in Europa (Nov 2024)
Eine neue kontrastiv-typologische Analyse der Onomatopoetika im Deutschen und Rumänischen
A NEW CONTRASTIVE-TYPOLOGICAL ANALYSIS OF ONOMATOPOEIA IN GERMAN AND ROMANIAN The seemingly obvious assumption that onomatopoeia faithfully reproduces the sounds of society and that these sounds are the same for all speakers is invalidated by the linguistic comparison between German and Romanian. The forms of the two languages reflect different perceptions and culturally conventionalised auditory socialisation. The comparison between the two languages aims to categorise the types of words that are grouped around the core in German and Romanian - words that represent sounds made by animals: miau, wau, wau or ham, ham, cucurigu or kikeriki etc. For language learning, this means that not only the linguistic expression of emotionality, which is also qualified and described by onomatopoeia, but also a language- and culture-specific emotional competence must be learned. Only in this way is it possible to classify and use emotional linguistic expressions such as a lătra or bellen appropriately.