Mitochondrial DNA. Part B. Resources (Sep 2021)
The complete mitochondrial genome of Atypus karschi (Araneae, Atypidae) with phylogenetic consideration
The complete mitochondrial genome sequence of Atypus karschi has a circular genome of 14,149 bp, comprised of 13 protein-coding genes, two rRNA genes, 22 tRNA genes, and a control region. The nucleotide composition is 35.82% of T, 35.13% of A, 17.19% of G, and 9.16% of C. Most genes are encoded on the heavy strand except seven tRNA genes (Leu, Phe, His, Pro, Leu, Ile, Gln), four protein-coding genes (nad5, nad4, nad4l, nad1), and 16S-rRNA on the light strand. Most protein-coding genes start with TTG, ATT or ATA initiation codon except cox1, cox1’s start codon cannot be determined, and three types of inferred termination codons are TAA, TAG, and an incomplete stop codon. There are four intergenic spacers and 25 gene overlaps. The phylogenetic analysis shows that A. karschi has closer genetic relationship with Cyriopagopus schmidti (von Wirth, 1991) and Phyxioschema suthepium (Raven & Schwendinger, 1898) with high bootstrap support.