Facta Universitatis. Series, Teaching, Learning and Teacher Education (Oct 2023)
The importance, traits, and methods of assessment in an online context are highlighted in this paper's discussion of assessment as an essential component of teaching. The paper aims to provide teachers with a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals, features, and methodologies of online assessment while also emphasizing the need for ongoing efforts to raise teachers' professional competence in order to ensure their successful integration into contemporary educational processes. The research sample comprises of pertinent literature that was gathered on the Google Academic and ResearchGate platforms, most of which is foreign due to the scarcity of studies on this topic in Serbia. Approximately 20 years' worth of publications have been chosen, taking into account the topic's current relevance. This paper was prepared largely with the aim of giving teachers more knowledge, influencing awareness-raising, and removing hurdles that teachers frequently have when it comes to online assessment. It was written utilizing the technique of content analysis. Since the past has demonstrated that the educational system is not immune to social difficulties, it is advised that teachers accept online assessment as a substitute for traditional methods of assessment and become familiar with its significance and potential implementation strategies.