Проблеми сучасної психології (Mar 2019)
Empirical Study on the Level of Expression of the Sovereignty of the Students’ Psychological Space
The artіcle is devoted to the theoretical and empirical grounding of modal characteristics of a psychological space of student youth in the social and adaptive dimension. The basic constructs of a personality space have been analyzed and age, social and psychological characteristics of student youth have been outlined. It has been stated that the full functioning of a personality space invests the processes of effective social and psychological adaptation. The procedural and methodical support of studying the problem of interrelation of the modal characteristics of a personality space and the indicatorsof social and psychological adaptation of student youth has been developed. 157 students of psychological and sociological specialties took part in the research. The modal characteristics of a personality space have been concretized and the profile of social and psychological adaptability of students differentiated according to the criterion of sovereignty of a psychological space has been clarified: students with a high level of sovereignty of a psychological space have demonstrated the real controllability of the living environment (perception of physical body, territory, things, habits, social connections and values), which is the feature of social and psychological adaptation and psychic well-being of a person and have shown high indicators of autonomy and independence; the expressed modal feature of sovereignty of territory, things and values has been noted in the group of students with an average level of sovereignty of a psychological space, and more advanced self-acceptance, acceptance of others and internality dominate in indicators of social and psychological adaptation; modal features of sovereignty of things and values were the characteristics of low-level students, and indicators of social and psychological adaptation were localized in the striving field for emotional comfort. The conclusion has been made about the determination of modal features of a personality space by the indicators of social and psychological adaptation of student youth arranged in the complexes of social and psychological comfort of a personality: the complex of independent control has been verified in the group with high indicators of sovereignty of a psychological space; the complex of internal rationality – in the group with average indicators of sovereignty; and the complex of emotional frustration – in the group with low level of sovereignty. The complex of independent control and the complex of internal rationality determine the positive features of social and psychological adaptability of a personality, in contrast to the complex of emotional frustration, which absorbed the disadaptation characteristics of students’ behavior