臺灣教育社會學研究 (Jun 2014)
度量化的身體:學校體適能檢測的權力技術 The Quantified Body: The Technique of Power of Physical Fitness Tests at School
本論文藉由跨領域的形式提供另一種體適能的研究觀點。從分析學校體適能的檢測機制,探討其對學生身體規訓與抵抗的可能。基於這樣的理念與架構,研究者先以自己任教健體領域的六年級學生為對象,透過兒童哲學形式的討論,並考量性別均衡與體適能常模的常態分布後,選出10位六年級學生作為主要訪談對象。此外,為了瞭解體適能檢測的權力關係如何運作,研究者除了參加體適能檢測員的培訓外,也選擇兩所熟識的國小進行觀察。本研究發現如下:一、體適能檢測透過柔軟度的訓練、身體被看見的安排、體適能護照的登錄、常模的規範化裁決,以及運動獎章與運動處方的獎懲考 核……來度量學生的身體,形成傅柯的自體看管技藝。二、體適能檢測對身體的規訓並非是絕對的,受測的學生也會轉換與抵抗規訓權力。三、最後,研究者提出:體適能是一種自我與身體的關係,它是來自我的建構,而非他者的規訓;並建議調整體適能檢測的技巧,讓學生的隱私得到應有的保護。 This research aims to propose an alternative perspective about physical fitness tests (PFTs) through an inter-disciplinary approach, and then suggest possible ways to resist relations of domination. First, using a children’s philosophy framework, I engaged in discussions with the 6th-grade students in my courses on health and physical education. After the discussions, and taking into account a need for gender balance and normal distribution of fitness levels, I chose ten of the students as key informants. In addition, I attended PFT training courses, and conducted fieldwork at two elementary schools to collect research data relating to the question of how PFTs dominate our bodies. The research results were as follows: 1. The variety of mechanisms that have been practiced in PFTs at school included flexibility training, ways to make one’s own body visible, a score logging system, a standard model to normalize judgments, and an evaluation system for the award of prizes. 2. The effects of PFTs in disciplining students’ bodies are not absolute, because students as subjects tend to transform and resist the power of discipline. 3. If we take the progress of physical fitness as a way of constructing the relationship between the body and the self, then it should be conducted by oneself rather than others. This research also proposes that PFT skills should be improved in order to protect the privacy of students.