Nuclear Materials and Energy (Dec 2023)
Model validation of tungsten erosion and redeposition properties using biased tungsten samples on DiMES
An experiment was performed in the DIII-D lower divertor to validate numerical SOL tungsten (W) impurity erosion and redeposition simulations against experimental data. The net and gross erosion of W were calculated as a function of the voltage (or bias) applied to the exposed material. Five samples were inserted into the DIII-D lower divertor using the Divertor Material Evaluation System (DiMES) manipulator and exposed to constant L-mode attached plasma conditions. Each sample was partially coated with W. During plasma shots, samples were biased with respect to the machine vessel ground, ranging from −60 V to 25 V. The ERO2.0 code was used to numerically simulate the experiment aiming to compare the numerical results with experimental measures. A good agreement is found between estimated and measured tungsten erosion at least for negative biases.