Iztapalapa (Jun 2016)
Food Poverty: Insecurity and Vulnerability in the Regions of Sonora in 2015
At present the phenomenon of food insecurity is associated with extreme poverty, which identifies persons and / or families with insufficient income to acquire the necessary goods that meet the minimum nutritional requirements; However, insecurity refers to those individuals who claim to have experienced lack of quality, quantity or intake of food at any time of day and even lack of access to food throughout the day, until they become hungry. The problem of food and nutrition is essentially structural and depends on economic, demographic, cultural, social and political factors, which has fostered a complex situation of defenselessness, poverty and increasing social vulnerability. While the urban poor share gaps with their rural counterpart, geographical location is a key component in understanding the structure, causes, and trends of poverty. In our analysis we propose to estimate food poverty and insecurity or lack of access in the regions of Sonora; As well as the conditions of vulnerability faced by said population, related to lack of education, insecurity in employment, non-belonging to a security system and being part of some indigenous group, through the Mexican Food Security Scale (EMSA, for its acronym in Spanish) included In the Intercensal Survey 2015 (EIC-2015 for its acronym in Spanish). Where the population in food poverty by income registered 20.7% while access insecurity reached 27.88% of the population of Sonora who experienced the lack of food intake.