Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences (Oct 2020)

The Dental Specialties Center as a point of attention in the Oral Health Care Network in a region of Paraná

  • Alessandra de Oliveira Lippert,
  • Fernanda de Freitas Mendonça,
  • Brígida Gimenez Carvalho,
  • Pablo Guilherme Caldarelli

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19


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The National Oral Health Policy (NOHP) arose as an alternativefor the improvement of oral healthcare to all Brazilians. On theperspective of specialized care, Dental Specialties Centers(DSC) were implemented. Aim: The aim of this manuscriptwas the analysis the role of the DSC for the organization of theOral Health Care Network (OHCN) in the 20th Regional HealthSection (RHS) of Paraná. Methods: It is a qualitative study,which analyzed the role performed by the regional DSC TypeIII, a reference for 18 municipalities. The data were collectedthrough interviews carried out in the period between Marchand April 2019. Fourteen professional dentist-surgeons, ninefrom Basic Health Units (BHU) and five from the DSC wereinterviewed. For data analysis, speech analysis was used.Results: An active role of the regional DSC was identified inthis healthcare region, as it acts as a fundamental point in thestrengthening of the network, in the process of regionalizationand in the integrality of care. Conclusions: However, theimportance of broadening the access to specialized careneeds to be highlighted, to guarantee the continuity of carestarted at the BHU.
