Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Historicolitteraria (Dec 2023)
Obraz lat 50. XX wieku w prozie epistolarno‑wspomnieniowej Antonína Bajaji "Nad piękną modrą Dřevnicą"
The purpose ofthe paper is the interpretation of the novel Nad piękną modrą Dřevnicą by Antonin Bajaja in terms of the image of the Stalinist period in Czechoslovakia. The interpretive perspective has been determined by the theory of letter (Stefania Skwarczyńska and Anita Całek), the category of autobiographical memory, autobiographical place, as understood by Małgorzata Czermińska, as well as autotherapy through work with memory. By bringing back memories in the letters to his sister, the narrator updates the concept of his identity and reshapes his self‑awareness, which was manipulated in his childhood by the communist propaganda. The mechanisms behind this propaganda are revealed years later by the protagonist‑narrator. The schizophrenic type of life under communist rule has been illustrated by the example of the family and city Zlina/Gottwaldova.