Korean Journal of Clinical Laboratory Science (Jun 2024)
Correlation of the Lower Limb Nerve Conduction Velocity with Height and Leg Length
Nerve conduction study (NCS) is an essential test for the diagnosis and follow-up of peripheral neuropathy. NCS can objectively quantify peripheral nerve function. NCS is affected by physiological factors such as height, age, body mass index, etc. Hence, the American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnosis Medicine (AANEM) is currently forming a Normal Data Task Force (NDTF) to present the normal value, but the number is significantly less. Currently, no research has been carried out on the correlation between nerve conduction speed and height and lower limb length in Koreans. Hence, this study sought to compare the nerve conduction velocity of the lower limbs according to the height and lower limb length. A total of 49 subjects were recruited. When the motor nerve conduction velocity and sensory nerve conduction velocity were compared according to the height and leg length, there was a statistically significant negative correlation of the peroneal and left tibial motor nerves with the height. Also, a statistically significant negative correlation was observed with the superficial peroneal sensory nerve and the sural nerve and the leg length. However, in this study, all the subject are in twentys age, whereas the NDTF is divided by age. Hence, additional studies involving subjects of various age groups are needed.