تاریخ نگری و تاریخ نگاری (Dec 2021)
Historical Sociology of "Sultan's Holiness" and the Concept of "Zell Allah"; Based on historiographical sources of the Ilkhanid period
The concept of "Zell Allah" (shadow of God) has been associated with the concept of "kingdom" in the history of Iran during the Islamic period, and in a way expressed the foundations of the legitimacy and power of the rulers. Most contemporary historians and researchers with a holistic and one-dimensional approach have considered Zell Allahi's thought as a continuous concept in the context of Iranian history and have not paid attention to the conceptual differences and fractures of this thought. For this reason, this concept has sometimes been interpreted in the epistemological form of Iranshahri thought and in parallel with the formulation of Farah Izadi (the divin of glory) the overseer of Iran's the historical continuity. The question of the present research is how the discourse of Zell Allahi was able to establish the legitimacy of the patriarchal rulers in light of the ruptures in the Iranian Middle Ages and what are the differences between the sanctification process of the mentioned period and the previous periods through historiographic sources. According to its nature, this research is organized with the method of historical explanation and the approach of historical sociology and the concept of history and tries to criticize and analyze the data of historiographic sources. And by looking at the "change" in the historical macro-trends, recognize this concept from the perspective of the "historical sociology of the sultan's holiness" and by examining its ideological components and structures, change this concept from the form of the "unholy-responsible" sultan of the early Middle Ages to the empire of the sultan “holy- unresponsible" to explain the late middle period. The focus of this major transformation can be traced to the "Ilkhanid" era. Therefore, the concept of monarchy underwent an important change and development in the field of "sanctifying" the position of the sultan during this period and created a new discourse in the political system of Iranian history, which can be interpreted as the beginning and development of the "Zell Allahi discourse".