Reproductive Health (Jun 2022)

Assessing the prevalence and association between physical, emotional, and sexual of intimate partner violence against women in Nigeria

  • Lijalem Melie Tesfaw,
  • Essey Kebede Muluneh

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 19, no. 1
pp. 1 – 10


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Plain language summary Even though studies were carried out on physical, emotional, and sexual violence against women, and prevalence and associated factors, little attention was given to a comprehensive study that assesses the association between physical, emotional, and sexual violence against women. As a result, this study aimed to assess the association between physical, emotional, and sexual acts of violence against women in Nigeria. The data was obtained from the 2018 Nigeria Demographic and Health Survey (NDHS). A total of 8061 ever married/cohabited women aged 15–49 years who were residents of the study community for at least 6 months were considered. The log-linear statistical model was used to assess the association between physical, emotional, and sexual violence against women. Of the 8061 women considered in this study, 516(6.40%) have ever been physically forced into unwanted sex by a husband/partner. About 1346 (16.70%) and 1467(18.20%) women have ever been slapped and humiliated by their husbands/partners, respectively. Whereas 3022 (37.49%), 4216 (52.3%), and 1186 (14.71%) women have experienced physical, emotional, and sexual violence, respectively. Four hundred sixty-six women were victims of physical, emotional, and sexual violence. Besides, 40, 755, and 144 women have experienced both physical and sexual violence; emotional and physical violence; and emotional and sexual violence respectively. Physical violence against women has a significant association with emotional and sexual violence. However, it does not imply physical violence causes the other violence since cross-sectional data used for the analysis and other factors were not taken into consideration.
