Gragoatá (Dec 2011)
“Piazza del Popolo” or the exiled’s tone
The article discusses the relationship between the poetry of Jaime Gil de Biedma, Spanish poet who belongs to the so-called Generation 50 and the configuration of the exodus and the exile of the Spanish Republicans in 1939. To launch the discussion, the text focuses on the poem “Piazza del Popolo” and seeks to understand the production of social poems of Gil de Biedma under an optical not limit itself to the path of bad propagandistic or political poem, but as a deed that goes beyond aesthetic-political project to establish themselves, mainly as a joint proposal and aesthetic that goes beyond the theoretical propositions and party, and establishes a new vision of what a poem would be linked to a social program: able to articulate a poem art and compromise without getting lost in the sea of verbs pamphlet, capable of combining evidence, solidarity, and aesthetics. --- Original in Spanish