Journal of Midwifery & Reproductive Health (Apr 2014)
Factors Related to Marital Satisfaction in Primiparous Women during Postpartum Period
Background and aim: Postpartum period is often associated with decreased marital satisfaction in couples. The present study aimed to investigate factors contributing to marital satisfaction in primiparous women during postpartum period. Methods: This correlational study was performed on 104 primiparous women who referred to health care centers, Mashhad, Iran in 2013, 8 weeks after delivery, to receive health care services. Convenient sampling was the method of choice, and data collection tools included Nathan H. Azarin marital satisfaction questionnaire, stress, anxiety and depression scales (DASS-21), and demographic and fertility-related questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16, and statistical tests of Kruskal-Wallis and Pearson correlation coefficient. Results: The mean score of women’s marital satisfaction was 65.37±17.4. There was a significant inverse correlation between duration of marriage (r₌-0.246, P=0.01), women’s age (r₌-0.203, P=0.03) and husband’s age (r₌-0.219, P=0.02) with marital satisfaction. Also a significant relationship was seen between the onset of sexual intercourse after childbirth (r₌0.268, P=0.006) and frequency of intercourse per week (P=0.001) with marital satisfaction. Additionally, there was a significant inverse correlation between depression (r₌-0.414, P=0.001), anxiety (r₌-0.27, P=0.004), and stress (r₌-0.203, P=0.03) with marital satisfaction. Conclusion: The age of women and their spouses, the duration of marriage, the onset and frequency of sexual intercourse after delivery, stress, depression, and anxiety are factors contributing to females’ marital satisfaction in postpartum period. As marital satisfaction affects the health of couples and families, it is therefore recommended to increase females’ marital satisfaction during the postpartum period through recognizing the related factors and planning appropriate interventions.