Między Oryginałem a Przekładem (Aug 2016)

Przypisy tłumacza w świetle teorii literatury hipertekstowej

  • Weronika Sztorc

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 22, no. 2(32)


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Translator’s footnotes in the light of hypertext literature theory The article draws attention to such translator’s footnotes that can be connected with associative thinking, typical of the Internet and of hypertext literature. First, the footnote as a specific translation technique was discussed, along with various views on it. Then, the notion of associative thinking was introduced. Next, emblematic features and examples of hypertext and proto‑hypertext literature were presented, wherein the status of footnotes is raised and new light is shed on the figure of the author. Finally, such translators’ footnotes were shown wherein translators become visible and demand that their work be noticed and appreciated. It may be in a form of a game with the reader, a dialogue with the author or a manifestation of their presence (and power over the text). They compete with the authors for the attention of the reader, who moves between fragments of the text, just like in hypertext novels.
