CTE Workshop Proceedings (Mar 2014)

Electronic grade book as tool for monitoring the level of students’ physics research competencies

  • O. V. Merzlykin

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 2


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The purpose of this study is to describe the methods of monitoring the level of students’ physics research competencies. The main task is to show the possibilities of electronic grade book using for determination the level of students’ physics research competencies. The object of study is the tools of monitoring and evaluation of the level of students’ physics research competencies. The subject of study is the using of cloud technologies for monitoring and evaluation of the level of students’ physics research competencies. In previous studies it was shown that the system of students’ physics research competencies contains 14 competencies of 3 stages of research. Each competence consists of 4 components: cognitive, praxeological, axiological, social and behavioral. Moreover, each component of each competency has different impact on the level of students’ physics research competencies. Thus, the evaluation of the level of students’ physics research competencies requires the measurement of the levels of 56 components. This process is pretty time-consuming, but all mathematical operations that are needed for it, are typical. So, the monitoring of the level of students’ physics research competencies can be automated. It is proposed to use cloud-based spreadsheets for creating the electronic grade book for monitoring the level of students’ physics research competencies.
