IdeAs ()
La gestion de la frontière États-Unis/Mexique par les acteurs publics et privés : vers une accélération de la privatisation de la sécurité
Migration control along the U.S./Mexico border since the 1980s has become one of the most politically popular federal security measures, making the border synonymous with insecurity. This has helped redefine security threats and change security policy responses and practices. The U.S. federal state uses discursive strategies to provide justification for the intensification of security measures at its southern border. However, this public actor is not the only one participating in the intensification of the securitization of the U.S./Mexico border. Its rhetoric that criminalizes migrants benefits other non-state actors, such as private security companies, that are awarded contracts worth billions of dollars by government administrations. These private actors have thus been benefiting from a growing security market since the 9/11 attacks.