Revista Gaúcha de Enfermagem ()
Family dynamics and social network of families of children with special needs for complex/continuous cares
ABSTRACT: Objective: To describe the family dynamics and the social support network for families of children with special needs of multiple, complex and continuous care. Methods: A descriptive study of a qualitative approach, carried out in Maringá - PR, having as theoretical and methodological reference the Calgary Model of Family Assessment (CMFA). Data was collected through semi-structured audio-video interviews, carried out in the homes, together with 11 family caregivers of 13 children. Results: Data is presented in the following categories: structural, developmental and functional evaluation, which show the changes in the family routine and the needs for the adjustment of the roles of its members, in order to better implement the care at home. Conclusions: Using the CMFA made it possible to identify and understand the composition, fragilities and potentialities of the family, as well as the relationships among its members and rearrangements to better enable care at home. This information favors interventions congruent with the needs of these families.