Dyna (Jul 2023)

Hydro-morphological simulation of the stilling basin of Mazar dam with 3D schemes

  • Santiago Aurelio Ochoa-García ,
  • Cristian Coello-Granda

Journal volume & issue
Vol. 90, no. 227


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In the development of water resources projects with large hydraulic infrastructures, alterations to the natural flow regime will increase the erosive processes on the discharge structures due to variability of the turbulent velocities and the particle transport. We analyzed the case of the Mazar dam, a project designed to regulate the solid and liquid flows that come from the Paute river basin. Erosive processes of great magnitude are generated in the stilling basin of Mazar dam, due to the intensity of turbulent velocities produced in extreme events. We applied the Delft3D numerical model to simulate the hydrodynamic and sediment transport conditions to evaluate the stability conditions of the Mazar dam stilling basin. With the results obtained, vulnerable zones have been identified in the stilling basin. We recommended mitigation measures with the installation of a geomembrane to reduce the erosive processes in the vulnerable zones.
